PetSaver™ Pet CPR, First Aid & Care
Class Date and Time:
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Class Price: $95
PetSaver™ Training:
Class info:
Please Finish your registration at EnlightenDogs.com under Enroll me page you will see class for Feb 1st
Premier 6-hour class including CPR techniques, first aid skills, dental care, senior care and health wellness information for dogs and cats.
Will be breaks and a hour lunch.
Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card. Sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?
Don’t miss out on this Life saving information!!!
The workshop will teach you our PetSaver™ Program it will cover the following topics.
Restraining & muzzling
Choking management
Bleeding & shock
Assessing pet vitals
Caring for senior pets
Heat & cold injuries
Insect bites, bee stings & snakebites
Snout-to-tail wellness assessment for injury
Primary pet assessment
According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) 1-out-of-4 more pets would survive, if just one pet first aid technique was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care.
Listed in:
Behavior ModificationEmergency Preparedness
Pet Care
Pet Tech Classes
PetSaver™ CPR, First Aid & Care
Therapy Dogs
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