Oreo: Pet Tech Co-Founder & Demo-Dog Extra-Ordinaire!
August 10th, 2020 by Thom SomesPet Tech Canine Co-Founder
I was working on an email the other day and I came across this picture of our girl Oreo. She was the first Demo-Dog for Pet Tech and truly the Canine C0-Founder of Pet Tech! What made her a Demo-Dog Extra-ordinaire is that she knew she had a job to do and loved every minute of it. She would greet every student as they came in class, go from student to student in class allowing them to reach back and check for her pulse and generally give our students their much needed “fur-fix”, since they were away from their furry family member.
One thing I always remember is when I would do the Snout-To-Tail Assessment on her, she was always ready to roll over on her back for the final belly rub when we were done.
She would do anything for Peanut Butter or Liver Treats…
We were teaching at a local Dog Wash and I mentioned that she loved liver treats. Well, one student in the class liked Oreo soooo much that he went over to the store at the Dog Wash and bought her a giant can of liver treats!!
Oreo Loves Uncle Same too!
Oreo was never without a toy, treat, high quality dog food or love. The first 3 are all considered tax write offs per Uncle Sam! We used Oreo in our marketing and training pictures and videos. She traveled with us to shows and conferences as our mascot and greeter. Many of our Instructors use their pets (yes, some Instructors have a demo-cat to help in their classes too) and therefore, write-off the veterinary care, feeding and quality of life purchases on their taxes because they have made their pet an integral part of their Pet Tech Training Business. Of course, talk with your accountant on how best to handle this.
Pet Tech 2-Car Office
Pet Tech began in what we called our 2-Car Office. We actually flew my brother Ken out from Michigan to help us convert our 2-car garage to our Corporate Office. He put carpeting down, built a TV into the corner, hung a 6-foot whiteboard on the wall and ran electricity throughout so we could put in 2 desks and a 10 foot conference table. I wish we would have recorded student’s responses when they came thru the door for the first time. It was like the show Restaurant Makeover when they reveal it for the first time. They would walk along the side of the garage, walk by the pool and enter the office door. When they came thru the door they would stop in amazement and just take it all in. It was sooooo funny to watch their reaction. If it wasn’t for that 2-Car office in the early years for Pet Tech… Pet Tech may not be here today.
Pick some up to help us support their habit! 🙂
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