Chris Bear Anthony
Pet Tech® InstructorMember Since 05/01/2019
About this Pet Tech® member:
Chris Anthony, weary from her travails in retail management and office work, found her calling when she discovered pet grooming. Her over 20 year journey in this career has led her through many opportunities, experiences,& life lessons; including grooming and managing in both small and corporate salons, and starting her own successful house call grooming business in New Jersey. Supplementing those life lessons by educating herself on the varying aspects of her career she always sought out innovations in pet care, education, grooming techniques, tools and products. Now her passion for grooming & education has added more in depth knowledge on scissors, scissoring techniques, ergonomics and self care to help preserve her own health and longevity in her chosen profession. She is the owner/groomer at Have Shears Will Travel, customer service/sales Vp at Evolution Shears. Chris is also honored to have co-founded the New Jersey Professional Pet Groomers Alliance and serves as its current Chairwoman

Professional Speaker

Energy Healer


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