Reiki I & II Course
Class Date and Time:
Class Location:
Class Price: $375
Reiki is the foundation of my “awakening.” It is a beautiful healing modality given to us from Source to renew and heal ourselves and others.
In this two-day class you will learn:
-Reiki’s history
-the nature of Reiki
-the Reiki ideals
-how to give yourself Reiki
-Byosen Scanning (using the sensitivity of the hands to locate areas in need of healing)
-how to send Reiki at a distance
-how to offer Reiki to animals
-Reiki II symbols: their meanings, how to draw, activate and use them
-practice time to offer and receive healing with other students
-Reiki I & II manual including hand charts and other charts
-Reiki I & II Placements
-Reiki I & II Certificates
Both days will be from 10 am to 4pm. Bring your lunch. Light snacks and water will be provide.
Investment: $375 ($100 non-refundable deposit due by April 30th)
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