PetSaver™ Pet CPR, First Aid & Care
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Class Price: $155
Consider this statistic: ONE out of FOUR pets would SURVIVE if just ONE PET FIRST AID TECHNIQUE was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care, according to the American Animal Hospital Association.
WHY LEARN CPR & FIRST AID? – Your furry family members count on you for everything. If your pet suddenly began to choke on a toy, ate something toxic, was hit by a car, had a seizure, chewed through an electrical cord and was shocked, had an allergic reaction to a bee sting, was bleeding from a laceration, or suffered frostbite or heatstroke, would you know what to do in those first critical moments following the accident? Unfortunately, you can‘t call 911 when your pet is ill or injured. You have to be their first responder!! Knowing how to take proper action in an emergency can significantly increase the chances of survival and reduce the extent of both trauma and injury to your pet, before transporting them to your veterinarian. Love your pet? Of course, you do! The time is now for you to empower yourself and get peace of mind.
WHAT – Course content includes various emergency situations including different choking techniques, rescue breathing, three different Pet CPR techniques, bleeding protocols, heat and cold injuries, snout to tail assessments, seizures, poisoning, and much more. Upon successful completion, each participant receives a personalized certificate, a 40-page handbook, a muzzling & bleeding kit, “In case of emergency” window and wallet cards for your pets. Each participant has a demo dog / cat to practice during the class. Class is limited to a small group within the safety guidelines for social distance.
In order to attend the class, you MUST complete registration at: https://pawsitiverelationscom.ticketspice.com/pet-cpr-first-aid-care
About this Pet Tech® member:
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I’m a lifelong animal lover. Education is my passion! I genuinely enjoy teaching and engaging with people of all ages and backgrounds.
My background is in Business Management and Healthcare. For many years, I have served the Houston community by working in the healthcare industry where I had the opportunity to lead several workshops and classes on improving the quality of life through nutrition and a healthier lifestyle.
In 2012 inspired by my love for dogs, I decided to dedicate my time and career to creating PAWSITIVE RELATIONS - an organization whose mission is to support the well-being and the relationship with our beloved pets.
I am a certified TTouch® practitioner for dogs and well as certified as a Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist by the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure (*RMSAAM) in Colorado.
I have served as a volunteer at the Houston SPCA since 2012 – mainly in the large dogs’ area as well as teaching classes to different Scout troops about dog bite prevention and canine body language. I've also done presentations to local nonprofits, shelters, Churches, and private individuals on topics such as positive reinforcement training methods, calming signals, and understanding the “mind of the dog”, safety around children, and overall well-being for our pets.
I believe that a “Pawsitive Relation” is about understanding, trust, and respect. Likewise –trainings based on positive reinforcement methods creates a stronger bond between dog and owner, resulting in a more confident, happier, and better-behaved dog. Likewise, I'm a firm advocate for education as a key component to address the overpopulation of homeless animals and all the many problems that originate from it.
Being a Pet Tech Instructor is allowing me to empower Pet Parents and Pet Professionals with the skills and tools necessary to use in emergency situations and/or minimize the risk of injuries to their beloved animal companions.
For more information about me, you may read my website at: https://www.pawsitiverelations.com
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