Pet Tech® CPR And First Aid
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Class Price: $99
CPR And First Aid Certification Course
12:30pm to 3:30pm powerpoint presentation and hands on skills practice. class includes CPR techniques, first aid skills, health care and wellness information for dogs and cats. Does not include dental care or senior care.
Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver® 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card. Sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?
Thank you for joining us in support of Pet First Aid Awareness Month and Autism Awareness Month as we assist in outreach and education and encourage our communities to support groups such as Paws 4 Autism.
About this Pet Tech® member:
View This Member's Profile
8+ years instructing pet safety and pet CPR
3.5 years B.S Chemistry & Biology - Northland
3.5 years B.S Herbal Sciences - Bastyr University
Reiki level 2, Accupressure, Herbalist, Animal Communicator, Equine & Canine Training. From Hamsters to Horses, Chinchllas to Cicadas!
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