Pet Tech® CPR And First Aid
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Class Price: $125
CPR And First Aid For Your Pets:
5+ hour class including CPR techniques, first aid skills, health care and wellness information for dogs and cats. We will be practicing skills for many emergencies including CPR, choking, burns, hyper or hypothermia, bandaging with or without an impaled object, as well as knowing when to transport to the vet.
Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver® handbook with all notes covered in the class and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certification card. There is also the opportunity to purchase an embossed certificate, window decals, patches for work shirts, and more to showcase your professional training. Sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?
About this Pet Tech® member:

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8+ years instructing pet safety and pet CPR
3.5 years B.S Chemistry & Biology - Northland
3.5 years B.S Herbal Sciences - Bastyr University
Reiki level 2, Accupressure, Herbalist, Animal Communicator, Equine & Canine Training. From Hamsters to Horses, Chinchllas to Cicadas!
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