Pet Tech® CPR And First Aid
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Class Price: $60
CPR And First Aid For Your Pets:
CPR And First Aid For Your Pets:
This class includes CPR techniques, first aid skills, health care and wellness information for dogs and cats. Does not include dental care or senior care.
Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver® 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card. Sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?
This is an excellent class for Pet Parents and Pet Professionals alike!
Class size is limited so pre-registration is required at www.PetTech.net.
If you have any questions beforehand you can reach me on Facebook at the Coastal Pet First Aid page , or by email at petfirstaid@yahoo.com .
CDC and State guidance on Covid-19 Protocols including distancing, sanitation, glove use, and others will be in effect.
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