Pet Emergency Preparedness
Class Date and Time:
1:00 PM
Class Location:
My Little Dog Training Academy & Daycare
3640 S Santiam Hwy
Lebanon, Oregon 97355 Class Price: $25
Are you prepared for the “Big One” that Oregon is expecting? Come learn how to prepare for both you and your pet in this 4 hour Emergency Preparedness class. Will cover preparing a “bug out” bag for both you and your pet, what you need if you have to shelter in place and things that you need to think and plans you need to have in place before the big earthquake hits or other disaster occurs.
About this Pet Tech® member:
Suzanne Brean
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I am a professional dog trainer (CPDT-KSA). I provide seminars and classes on a wide variety of topics including: "Producing the best puppy that a breeder can" to Emergency Preparedness
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