Pet CPR Day 8-Hour PetSaver
Class Date and Time:
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Class Price: $125
PetSaver™ Training:
Premier 8-hour class including CPR techniques, first aid skills, dental care, senior care and health & wellness information for dogs and cats.
Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certification card. Sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?
Please register AND pay on the following registration page.
You will NOT be considered registered until you complete payment. If you have questions or need to arrange another form or payment. Contact us ASAP as class fills quickly.
About this Pet Tech® member:

View This Member's Profile
Kelly has worked as an Animal Control Officer, as a Veterinary Technician, as a Kennel Manager for a large humane society, and as a Public Health and Prevention Specialist for Texas Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Program.
Kelly received a Teamwork award from
Georgetown Police Chief in 2013 for her
extreme effort in rescuing a dog suffering
from heat stress and for the development
of an emergency first aid heat stress
response kit designed for animals.
She is a member of Pflugerville Police
Association, Pflugerville Community
Emergency Response Team, and
Citizens on Patrol. While working for
DSHS, she was a member of the Region
7 Central Texas Wildfire Response Team
in response to the Bastrop County
Complex wildfire of 2011. Kelly is also a
member of the Texas Association of
Animal Control Officers and is Chairper-
son for the Georgetown Animal Shelter
Advisory Board.
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