Hind End Strength and Conditioning Clinic
Class Date and Time:
Class Location:
Diving Dogs Anonymous
27 Depot St Unit K
Center Barnstead, NH 03225 Class Price: $45
This one hour clinic will teach you how to strengthen and condition your dog’s hind end. You will learn exercises that are floor or ground based as well as exercises using specially designed fitness equipment for dogs. You will also learn how to design a hind end program that works not only on your dog’s strength, but also their flexibility and balance.
**Dogs should be able to sit, stand, lie down and nose touch consistently.**
***Dogs must be on leash and under control at all times and must be good with other dogs and other people.***
About this Pet Tech® member:

April Begosh
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In addition to teaching CPR and First Aid for Pets, I also teach classes in Wellness Massage for Pets and I instruct workshops in Canine Fitness Training. I am a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, a licensed massage therapist trained in small animal massage and a reiki level 2 practitioner.
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