Windy City CPR
Schaumburg, IL 60193
We are a facility that specializes in teaching human and pet CPR and first aid courses. We teach courses at our facility as well as on-site at our client’s facilities.
We have 500+ 5-star reviews on Google!!
We teach:
PetSaver Course
Pet CPR + First Aid Course
Exotic Pet First Aid Course for those with small mammals, reptiles, fish and birds!
Our human CPR instructor teaches courses certified through the American Heart Association, such as BLS for Healthcare Providers, HeartSaver CPR AED, and First Aid courses.
Please feel free to check out our website windycitycpr.com or reach out! You can book right from our website!
For more information:
Inquires for pet CPR can be sent to: windycitypetcpr@gmail.com
Inquires for human CPR can be sent to: karen@windycitycpr.com
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Human & Pet CPR & First Aid TrainingAbout this Pet Tech® member:

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I have always known I wanted to work with animals in my career, but have always had a curious mind to learn about all animals. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and throughout college took every opportunity I could to work with animals. I have worked with marine mammals such as beluga whales, dolphins, and sea lions; I have also worked with penguins, sea otters, reptiles, fish, birds, amphibians, giraffes, and even elephants! I have a collection of reptiles at home which is my specialty, and I have learned to provide first aid to them through my many years as a reptile keeper. This inspired me to learn how to take care of my dog in an emergency, so I took a course with Pet Tech to become a Pet CPR Instructor! I feel that it’s vitally important to know how to take care of your pets in an emergency situation and I wanted to be able to share my knowledge with others. I work with Windy City CPR, a human CPR training facility to share life-saving knowledge for humans and for pets!
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