Whether you have a puppy, senior petizen, or a recuperating dog, you are the first line of defense for your dog’s health and welfare.
Casey Farris is one of the very few people in Texas Certified to teach Pet First Aid and CPR. You will know what to do after attending her classes
Classes for You and Your Pets • Instruction in Pet CPR and First Aid
Casey Farris has been teaching Pet First Aid & CPR since 2002 and was one of the first certified teachers in Texas. She is certified to teach through Pet Tech™ the premier training center on the planet for pet first aid and care. She has taught hundreds of pet professionals, as well as pet owners, the skills and techniques needed by a first responder.
Casey says, “After living with pets all of my life and pet sitting for others most of my adult life, I know that accidents and injuries can and will happen. Knowing the skills and techniques of Pet First Aid can mean the difference between life and death, between temporary and permanent disability, between expensive veterinarian bills and reasonable home care, and between rapid recovery and long recuperation for the pet.”
Casey lives on Galveston Island, Texas with her husband, Michael; two cats, Emily Ann and Skeeter Tom, and one lap dog, Hank.
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