Friends For Life Dog Training
2450 S 1st
Redmond, Oregon 97756
Redmond, Oregon 97756
Friends for life dog training q=was founded in 2000 with the mission of keeping the clients and their dogs together using positive reinforcement training. We offer a wide variety of classes and specialty training including K9 Nose work, Tellington ttouch training and workshops, behavior consultations and training for serious aggression issues. We offer puppy classes, adolescent and advanced manners training. We use positive reinforcement training with our clients and their dogs. We also offer specialty workshops including Pet first aid and cpr classes, whistle recall classes, puppy confidence course classes. We also offer professional grooming.
About this Pet Tech® member:

Dennis Fehling
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I am a professional dog trainer, our business is Friends for life dog training in Redmond Oregon. I believe that the better prepared we are the better our pets are..
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