Canine Movement Lab
4504 Crerar Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
I’m a dog behaviorist helping people with their fearful, reactive, and aggressive dogs. My specialization is rehabilitating dogs who have a bite or fight history. I take the methods from Somatic Therapy derived from Dr. Peter Levine, and elements of the Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges to create somatic exercises for dogs that resolve their past traumas.
I educate people on the importance of regulating not only their dog’s nervous system, but also to look at where their own system may be out of balance, as this affects their dog. It’s a bit like family therapy. Your dog may be the “identified patient” but we have to look at the household as a whole system with interacting parts.
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Leah Lykos
Member Since: 12/01/2019
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I'm a dog trainer and pet-sitter in Chattanooga, TN. I specialize in emotional rehab for dogs with traumatic histories. Dogs carry stress just like we do, I help dogs and people manage their stress and live happier lives!
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