4 Paws Care Team
P. O. Box 552
Temecula, CA 92593
Temecula, CA 92593
We are dedicated to teaching pet owners and pet professionals the skills necessary to help and possibly save a pets life.
I also do consulting with pet owners on handling and grooming their fur baby in between grooming from their pet professional.
By doing this there pets are easier to groom, mentally better to handle the grooming and therefore much easier on everyone.
Stay tuned for more as we grow.
We travel all over so reach out if you are interested in having a class at your facility or in my traveling classroom.
About this Pet Tech® member:

Dawn Ashbrook
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I was a groomer for over 20 years. . 10 years working for a Large animal hospital. Working in all aspects of the hospital along and became the Practice Manager. I am dedicated to staying within the pet industry and am honored to teach and give you the knowledge to save your or a clients pet (Fur Baby).
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